Adults disadvantaged due to lack of education and skills

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案例27 阿拉伯国家(埃及、摩洛哥、苏丹和利比亚)的扫盲项目

Submitted by edusoft_admin on Thu, 09/01/2022 - 09:05


成人教育对于建立可持续社区和提高生活质量而言至关重要。长期以来,阿拉伯地区一直在努力提高民众的识字水平。该地区开展了有四个值得关注的试点项目,旨在提高埃及、摩洛哥、苏丹和利比亚民众的识字水平。埃及开设社区学校以改善女性教育情况。摩洛哥发起了一个项目,以促进教育公平,鼓励女生参与学习活动,以改善她们的福祉。苏丹在《2002年苏丹全民教育国家计划》(Sudan National Plan for Education for All 2002)框架内发起了一个游牧贝都因人的教育项目。

Uganda Rural Literacy and Community Development Association (URLCODA)

Submitted by uil_admin on Fri, 12/17/2021 - 11:12
The Uganda Rural Literacy and Community Development Association (URLCODA) was founded in 2009 by the Uganda Community Libraries Association (UgCLA). The community aims to provide information services via publications and special activities targeted at the needs of local populations. Most of the initiatives aim to promote literacy and are planned to be relevant to a set of predetermined objectives.

Increasing quality and relevance of learning materials through a national consultation in Mexico: Education Model for Life and Work

Submitted by uil_admin on Fri, 12/17/2021 - 10:18
The Education Model for Life and Work (Modelo Educación para la Vida y el Trabajo, MEVyT) is an innovative basic education model for youth and adult learners in Mexico. The programme is a cooperative effort of the National Institute of Adult Education (INEA) and Federal States Adult Education Institutions (IEEAs) and was launched in 2001. It offers an opportunity for youths and adults who do not have sufficient formal education to renew their studies through distance education and other means of learning. Participating in the programme gives the learners an opportunity to obtain accredited and officially recognized 6th- and 9th-grade qualifications. The key component of the programme is literacy learning combined with skills training, creating a flexible model of autonomous learning. It offers not only basic modules on language and certain skills but also special modules designed for disadvantaged social groups, promoting inclusivity. In addition to developing basic and essential skills and facilitating individual development, as well as building an inclusive community, it aims to promote gender equality, raise awareness of human rights and strengthen humanistic values that ensure good citizenship (UIL, 2016).