Community Education

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案例30 阿拉伯青年之声

Submitted by edusoft_admin on Fri, 09/02/2022 - 02:17


阿拉伯青年之声(Arab Youth Voice)是由安娜·林德基金会与英国文化教育协会在埃及、约旦和突尼斯合作发起的一个项目。随后该项目扩展到阿拉伯地区的其他国家:利比亚、阿尔及利亚和摩洛哥。该项目旨在提高阿拉伯地区青年的知识和技能,从而推动公开讨论和公众辩论。项目集中在三个关键方面:提高青年的辩论技巧;为年轻人提供平台,针对社会问题发表意见,结识他人,交流想法,分享经验;通过支持年轻博主来弥合虚拟空间和现实社会之间的隔阂。

CS5: Lifelong learning in Nepal: Rural development for the Seti Zone

Submitted by edusoft_admin on Thu, 09/01/2022 - 13:35

What is the initiative and where is it implemented (city or country, for example)?

Education for Rural Development for the Seti Zone, also known as The Seti Programme, was a pilot programme that aimed to show how education could be made more effective with an innovative integrated approach, which would lead to a necessary rural development, resulting in a better quality of life.